Re: [car-pga] Re: Congressional Candidate Condemned for Role-Playing a Nazi

I am fully aware than normal words have been given obscene, profane, or scatological meanings, but where in my comments did I use any in that meaning (or to my sheltered life, any other)?

Rather than insulting anyone's heritage, I gave full disclosure of my own.  I disagree with my primarily southern ancestry's views in the 1860s and after, but I don't insult them.  For more worse than better, they are a part of me.  However, I don't have to believe them myself.

I don't see why the defensiveness over something a sesquicentury ago.  I thought we had moved on.
Role-playing games, even the fantasy settings, depend on a knowledge of history.  "Improving the state of the art" will suffer if we ban this aspect.


From: Ted Skirvin <>
To: CAR-PGa <>
Sent: Thu, November 11, 2010 10:35:25 AM
Subject: [car-pga] Re: Congressional Candidate Condemned for Role-Playing a Nazi

Okay, this sort of thing is why some people have left this email list
and become disenchanted with CAR-PGa in general.

Certainly, historical re-enactments are enough like LARPs to bear
discussion on this list. And, the topic of what is "okay" and what is
"not okay" in role playing is a reasonable topic for this list.

But, tangents should not get too far off the main topic. And, using
terms that insult a person's heritage(regardless of what one may think
of that heritage) will only cause division in CAR-PGa. Using curse
words does not help, either.

Everyone, please don't veer off the roleplaying focus.

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