[CAR-PGa] You're Invited! CAR-PGA Virtual Session (October 2023)


You're Invited!


Join us on Thursday, October 19 at 6 p.m. ET for a virtual learning session. Our guest this month is Dr. Sarah Stang. Dr. Stang is an Assistant Professor of Game Studies in Brock University's Game Design program, housed in the Centre for Digital Humanities. She is a feminist media scholar who specializes in analyzing representation and identity in popular media, especially video games, and she received her PhD from the Communication & Culture program at York University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She is also the Secretary for the International Communication Association's Game Studies Division and the former Editor-in-Chief of the graduate student journal Press Start.

We've attached the meeting invite if you'd like to add it to your calendar. We look forward to an engaging session!

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Re: [CAR-PGa] Re: Third Edition of the Role-Playing Game Professional program just around the corner

Great! It's going into the November issue. Thanks, Hawke. It is all so impressive.


On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 5:22 PM rpgresearch <rpgresearcher@gmail.com> wrote:
Mentioned vaguely in the previous email, here are links to some of the other related parallel projects potentially also of interest:
* Brain-computer Interface Role-Playing Game (BCI RPG) https://www.bcirpg.com is getting closer to being ready for public alpha testers after years in development. https://git.dev2dev.net/RPGResearch/bcirpggithubmirror
* Game Consent App in progress https://www.gameconsent.com/
* * Role-Playing Game Artificial intelligence (RPG AI) in progress https://www.rpgai.org/ and https://ai-rpg.com https://git.dev2dev.net/RPGResearch/rpgai
* Role-Playing Game Professional App Suite https://git.dev2dev.net/RPGResearch/rpgp-app


On Sun, Oct 1, 2023 at 8:08 PM rpgresearch <rpgresearcher@gmail.com> wrote:
Greetings everyone,

We've been incredibly busy and heads-down working on the Role-Playing Game Community Center facilities, and the new Third Edition of the Role-Playing Game Professional (RPGP) training programs, workshops, workbooks, study guides, instructor manuals, online Learning Management System (LMS), mobile and web apps, and much more.

One of the biggest changes with the RPGP program is a switch from the more college-academic style to a more "Trades Professionals" approach. With advancement now more along the lines of the Trainee, Apprentice, Journeyman, Mastery model.

The websites still have a lot of work to finish updates to the new Third Edition, so please pardon the contradictions as we scramble to overhaul the pages to fit the new paradigm.

We've always had significant research and theory in our programs, but we also prided ourselves on the most extensive hands-on, peer-reviewed, and supervised real-world experience not just classroom training, with the most intensive and in depth training offered anywhere for aspiring and established role-playing game professionals.

This is a MASSIVE amount of work to get all of the moving pieces fully into place, but the core is coming along and I wanted to come up from the intensive daily writing to give everyone a heads up about what we're up to.

As always, the training is free to volunteers who help out at the 100% volunteer-run 501(c)3 non-profit research and human services charitable organization, RPG Research, https://www.rpgresearch.com. We'll be resuming training, with the new Third Edition program, in November, we have a number of people on the waitlist so we're probably going to have to offer multiple training sessions per week to get everyone rolling with the new program.

For those that have a more extensive budget, RPG Therapeutics LLC at https://rpg.llc will be starting back up the training workshops based on the new Third Edition program around the same time for individuals and organizations that can afford the rates. This is extensive, intensive, and premium training. We have had a number of people attend some of our early pilot programs, who have also been through other organization's training, and stated things like, "I learned more in just a couple of sessions participating in your basic programs than in months, and thousands of dollars, at the other 'advanced' programs". We strive to be the highest standard in role-playing game professional training available anywhere globally, shooting for being second-to-none in depth, breadth, quality, experience, applicability, safety, efficacy, and more.

Volumes I (Part I training sessions 1-4 and Part II training sessions 5-12), II (sessions 13-24), III (sessions 25-36), IV (sessions 37-48), V (sessions 49-72) should be published in the next few weeks, with the subsequent Volumes VI - XI coming out periodically thereafter for the coming months, and Volumes XII - XXI throughout 2024+.

A high-level overview of this extensive Third Edition of the RPG Professional training and advancement program can be glimpsed on the RPG Therapeutics LLC website here:

To be frank, it has been an overwhelmingly huge task, and we have decided to let deadlines slip, in favor of really getting this Third Edition dialed in based on the tens of thousands of hours of feedback from prior participants. See the extensive list of supporting resources for the Third Edition RPGP that are in the works. Some of these are near completion, others will take some months to finish implementing (for example the mobile and web app additions in development). It is entirely possible these deadlines will slip again, but I am working around the clock to get the content cleaned up, based on the continuing stream of peer-review feedback I am getting with every draft through our Git Repository, Wiki, RPGSN.net Chatroom, and other contributing draft reviewers.

The RPGP programs are heavily research and evidence-in-practice (for over 45 years now), highly peer-reviewed, and iteratively improving constantly.

We look forward to your thoughts, insights, suggestions, and other contributions as we near the launch of this massive program based on the direct experience of more than 100,000 direct participants in our programs over the decades, and the many more indirect contributions.

We are still in the final weeks of the final drafts of Request For Comments iteration (after years of iterations), still open for any last minute fixes or changes before publication.

So this is your last chance to help directly contribute to the Third Edition RPGP programs before it is 100% locked in.

Warmest Regards,

-Hawke Robinson
Founder and Executive Director, RPG Research
Founder and CEO, RPG Therapeutics LLC

RPG Research, a non-profit 501(c)3 100% volunteer-run charitable organization providing tabletop role-playing game community programs for everyone ages 4 through 104+, at 101 North Stone Street, Spokane Washington, 99202. 
TAX ID EIN: 82-3521274
Learn more about our 100% volunteer-run organization at:

RPG Research, a non-profit 501(c)3 100% volunteer-run charitable organization providing tabletop role-playing game community programs for everyone ages 4 through 104+, at 101 North Stone Street, Spokane Washington, 99202. 
TAX ID EIN: 82-3521274
Learn more about our 100% volunteer-run organization at:

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