[car-pga] Re: Why do we roleplay?

Well, I first started playing because my best friend in 1st grade got
the "red book" for his birthday. He and I played many a solo adventure
(no other neighbor kid wanted to play).

We then moved in 4th grade, and D&D was used as part of the "gifted
kid" time. My parents had a fit about this, thinking at the time, that
Pulling and Chick were right. I continued to play as form of rebellion
(honesty compels me to say this).

In high school some friends and I started playing BattleTech/
MechWarrior. I enjoyed the miniatures/strategy side of the game.

In college, gaming (mostly D&D, but some Battle Lords of the 23rd
century and ShadowRun) was done for fun. I'm biased, but I don't think
we ever 'lost grip with reality'.

Presently, I really haven't had the time to regularly game (wife,
kids, work, PhD work, etc).

On May 3, 8:50 am, WJ Walton <rpgadvoc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> - Why do we roleplay? What do we get out of it, beyond simple
> entertainment?

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