Re: [car-pga] Re: Into the Wild Nerd Yonder

        Will do, Ted! on June 28, 2010 at 12:41 PM -0400 wrote:

Once you have read it please submit a book review to the CAR-RPGa
newsletter. I'm tired of being one of only two people that submits
original stuff on a regular basis.

On Jun 18, 4:42 pm, "David Millians"
>         I've now ordered a copy for my classroom, so I or one of my students will
> have a review in the future.
>         Thanks!
>         David
> David Millians
> Games & Education
> Paideia School
> 1509 Ponce de Leon Avenue
> Atlanta, Georgia 30307-1666 USA
> (404) 377-0032 fax
> millians.da...@paideiaschool.orgwww.paideiaschool.org,+Writing,+and+Roleplaying+Wiki
> >Hello again! I just ran across a book review that I'll quote a couple
> >of snippets from.
> >From the plot summary:
> >"Jessie is somewhat attracted to a nerd boy. As she gets closer to him
> >and his friends, she is hyper aware she'll be committing social
> >suicide if she plays Dungeons & Dragons and goes to a renaissance
> >faire.
> >(Wait a second, I played Dungeons and Dragons back in the day, what
> >does that say about me?)"
> >From the review:
> >"It is a brutally honest book about high school and the calculus of
> >popularity that Jessie must make as she ponders where to focus her
> >social energy and what the cost will be. The book is handled with
> >nuance and tact and gives a realistic picture of the layers of
> >popularity and friendship in modern high schools."
> >The book is _Into the Wild Nerd Yonder_ by Julie Halpern and was
> >published last year. The full review is at
> >if you'd like to read it.
> >Has anyone read this book? Does anyone know how it portrays the
> >gamers? I'm guessing that the message is going to be that gamers are
> >good people, even if everyone will look at you weirdly for hanging out
> >with them. While that may be true, it's only true when the gamers are
> >identifiable and unwanted members of the local population; clearly
> >none of the gamers are going to also be the star quarterback. If I'm
> >right about the message, does that hurt our cause more than helping
> >it?
> >Sadly, the reviewer is pseudonymous, although I could probably get the
> >site admin to put me in touch with him if I asked nicely. I get the
> >impression that Julie herself is rather approachable. (It probably
> >helps that she and I and the reviewer and the site admin are all
> >librarians.) From the very bottom of the "About Me" section of her
> >website:
> >"I am the Webmaster of this site (I'm also a Dungeon Master on
> >Wednesday afternoons) [. . .]" (
> >In service,
> >M. Alan Thomas II
> >--
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