How to make money with a blog

How to make money with a blog

In less than 2 years I went from not knowing what a blog was to making more money blogging than my corporate desk job.

When you blog for money you need to create your own content (and lots of it), implement advertisement programs like Google AdSense and last but not least – you need traffic.

Decide that you are going to put effort into the blog. U will have to write frequently and often so you must make the decision and be committed to running your money earning blog.

Pick a targeted topic for your blog. You must have a blog that is a specific niche to give you the best chance at getting an audience. For example, if you live in Karachi City, and want to start a blog about finding services, it would be better to have the blog about finding Services in Karachi..(any city).

This is one example, my point is that you want to make the blog specific to a particular niche. There are millions of blogs out there, & if you want to make an impact and get a loyal audience, it behooves you to select a niche topic which will differentiate your blog.

Blogging Provider
Choose a
blogging provider (Blogger) to help you publish and maintain your blog online. There are several providers that will make it very easy for you to maintain your blog. You will not need a lot of technical experience to get everything up and running. and, once it is up and running, it will also be fairly simple for you to add new content to your blog. This website has published a detailed article which reviews several blogging providers.

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