[CAR-PGa] D&D, Pacifism, and Pizza

(Cut and pasted from The Escapist Blog - www.theescapist.com/blog)

Two great articles showed up in my email recently:

First, Sierra at the Strollerderby blog writes about kids and violent
entertainment - and how a mom can enjoy being a pacifist and slaying
dragons at the same time:

"Last week I cut a dragon's head off with my flaming sword. I am not
even joking. It felt great.

After the game, I put away my character sheet and dice and went home,
where I was not at all tempted to cut off my husband's head with a
flaming sword. Even though he was acting like a grumpy dragon."

Full article is here - War Play Doesn't Lead to War -

Second comes a great piece from the food column of the Toronto Star,
in which Corey Mintz picks up the dice again for the first time in
years, in a game that includes game designer Robin Laws, and brings
some scrumptious pizzas to the table - but not before explaining the
game and its bad reputation to his readers.

"Initially the guys who came up with D&D in the first place were kind
of doctrinaire perfectionists," says Robin D. Laws... "They didn't
realize that they'd created a story form," explains Laws of the game's
origins in the early 1970s.

That's all it is — another storytelling medium. It will not lead to
Satanism. Despite what happens to Tom Hanks in the 1982 TV movie Mazes
and Monsters, it will not lead to insanity. It may prolong virginity

Sadly, Mintz doesn't seem interested in staying involved in the hobby
after giving it another go. But at least he had a good time.

Read the full story here - D&D is just nerdy storytelling -

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