Re: Rick's posting:
"With all due respect", I don't see where we disagree.
My posting was to point out the Breyer dissent, because the corporate media won't. He raised some questions regarding the double standard that torture is OK for kids to play, but nudity must still be banned, whether in a sexual context or not. This is directly opposite to the views of most Eurokpean countries and was never addressed by any of the majority opinions. (We can ignore Thomas' dissent that minors have no rights at all because it is obvious that he believes only those who give him, personally or through his wife, very big bucks, have any rights at all.)
I remember a debate I had a decade or so ago, over the "pin-up" portrayal of females in Dragon and other game resources. I was arguing that the original barbarians (according to the Greeks who coined the word) were Scythians, who generally had only hands and face exposed - it is cold on the steppes of central Asia! Then I realized that my two female characters didn't wear any clothes at all! They were a kosag (Lucasfilms wouldn't let me use wookie) and a faun. Since then I have played other females, all of whom wore clothes and only some were human.
This is a game issue and we should be prepared to deal with it.
Paul Cardwell
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