Re: [CAR-PGa] Proactive Media Talking Points?

We have no formal policy for interviews because no one has wanted to interview any of us in a CAR-PGa capacity before.

Outside of the obvious: be courteous and patient no matter what you think of the interviewer; avoid assuming more knowledge or less intelligence on the part of the interviewer; be willing to admit not knowing the answer to all questions; be prepared to respond to the old attacks against RPG including the currently rarly mentioned violence, satanism, detachment from reality; etc., there is not much on the interview as such.

Points to make: 
We are a network of individual researchers, not a formal organization.  Members are responsible for their own work and we have no official representative.
We are an international group with members currently in US, Canada, Brazil, Denmark, Germany, France, and Australia.  Former members and those who have helped in the cause but not formally joined are from Britain, Belgium, Finland, and Spain.  Our archives contain material in 11 languages (counting once each for four versions of English and two of French).
We cover all types of pencil and paper role-playing games and live action role playing games, but only peripherally wargames, board games, video, etc.
Membership is open to any serious student of the games with no dues beyond documented work in the field.
Our communication media are mainly a web page (, discussion group (car-pga@google, and a monthly newsletter ($5.00 per year by email, $15.00 US and $20.00 elsewhere by snail mail hardcopy).
Game defense was originally a main purpose, but now is needed only occasionally.  Most of our work today is in developing the use of the games in recreation, curriculum, and therapy.

Other members will undoubtedly have more to add to the list, and volunteer to be interviewed.  Include me in the latter.

From: "Mike "Talien" Tresca" <>
To: CAR-PGa: The Committee for the Advancement of Role-Playing Games <>
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2011 9:56 PM
Subject: [CAR-PGa] Proactive Media Talking Points?

Hi Folks,

So as you know by now I'm going to be interviewed by the producers of
the Dungeons & Dragons documentary.  Hopefully they will interview
everyone else who is interested as well -- they're currently in the
proof-of-concept stage.

I'd like to mention the CAR-PGA, but I want to mention it
appropriately.  The guidelines on the site seem primarily to be a
defensive stance in response to clueless reporters (or worse,
aggressively misinformed reporters).  What are our guidelines for a
positive-outreach like a documentary about gaming?  Or a podcast or
blog interview?

Any talking points in particular I should get across? It'd be great to
have this for convention panels as well. I'll be at Connecticon if
anyone's going!  See my schedule at


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