[CAR-PGa] Frank Miller

I remember the name from back when I had my book and hobby store.  I didn't know much about him since it was not a comic book store.  Reading that obscenity (both vocabulary and totality), I am convinced he is auditioning for that arch-hacker Rupert Murdock and Foux News.  He obviously has not used any other source for coverage of the OWS movement.

The movement I watch on both (finally) corporate news and the progressive underground shows, OWS to be composed of four more or less equal populations.  He is specifically attacking only one of these because if he included all, he would instantly be rejected by everyone.  His victims are mostly college students.  If you look closely, you can see some of them doing their homework in the encampments; the discussions in their leaderless policy assemblies have even more educative value.  Most are still attending class.

Another quarter are veterans.  National Guard members are guaranteed by law, their jobs back when they return.  That law is not enforced because the Wall Street banks and multinational corporations  consider them to be expendable mercenaries to take other people's resources for their profit.  The veterans disagree, so they are their get a grenade in the head.  (As of this posting, Scott Olsen is regaining the "free speech they literally took from me.")

Another quarter are workers, their jobs sent to overseas sweatshops, or their rights abolished (at least until the people can rise up and reverse these decisions).  Most of these are the same young middle age as the vets, and a significant minority are in both category.  A new minority of this group are police - forced by the whiteshirts to attack demonstrators while on duty, but joining them when off, helping by pointing out agents provocateurs and assisting camp security by doing real police work.

And the final quarter is composed of the none of the above, almost all with some degree of gray hair - veterans of  the civil rights struggle of the '60s and/or the anti-war movement of the '70; people who have or are about to lose their houses to banks which can't even produce documentation of mortgage ownership; those who can't get a home repair loan from their bank and so are pulling their money out and moving it to their local credit union; etc.

One other point:  I have yet to see anyone sitting around playing D&D.  The computers are in use communicating with the "Occupy Wherever" groups around the world, not playing World of Warcraft.   I also don't recall Miller slandering as cowards, the same movement when it was in Cairo or Bengazi.  Indeed, I have been waiting for the next cavalry charge against peaceful demonstrators to be met with chants of "Where are the camels?"

A draft dodger himself (as was I, for that matter), he wants the army to come in and draft (or is is murder?) anyone defending the first amendment of the Constitution.  He might find that our military is at least as honorable as that of the Soviet Union when ordered to suppress the supporters of glasnost, joined them and restored what little progress toward democracy that Gorbachov had accomplished before the coup.

I assume from this diatribe that Miller is an kleptarch who believes there should be no government and that the powerful have the right to steal and/or destroy the private property of anyone not rich enough to own their own police department.  Because that is what he is saying between the lines and not denying within them. 

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