[CAR-PGa] More RPG studies

This has been lying in my drafts folder for weeks now, and I just don't find the time to give this list the final attention that it probably still needs. So I'm sending this list as it is now. Some of the titles have a link (preview, sometimes full download). Those marked with "(PDF)" are available through journal databases. If you don't have access, I can provide you with the file.
I want to apologize if any bibliographic information is missing; just ask if anything is unclear.

For the most part, this is a compilation of bibliographic information found on the internet - I've read only a small part of this, though I hope to get my hands on at least some of those books/ papers in the future.

This is a list of titles that are nowhere on the bibliographic list in the CAR-PGa homepage (not even in the "not available through CAR-PGa" section. The fact that some titles of CAR-PGa members don't feature there (like Dyszelski or Tresca) strikes me as a bit strange.



Bowman, Sarah Lynne : The Functions of Role-Playing Games: How Participants Create Community, Solve Problems and Explore Identity. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010. $35.00 (216p) ISBN 978-0786447107. Review: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/356/229
Preview: http://books.google.ca/books?id=Pn3wR74wDCgC&printsec=frontcover&hl=de

Bruske-Guth, Tanja Monique: Rollenspiel als Medienverbundangebot: Am Beispiel der Systeme „Das Schwarze Auge“ und „Advanced Dungeons and Dragons“ (2002, GRIN, Magisterarbeit). http://books.google.de/books?id=rUe4YLirWqYC

Chesnut, Wayne Everett, “Role-Playing Games: A Technical Writing Approach”, M.A., California State University, Fresno, CA, 1992; Dissertation Abstracts AAC 1351825

Cloete, Stephen: Gaming Between Places and Identities: An Investigation of Table-Top Role-playing Games as Liminoid Phenomena. 2010. MA Thesis (Digital Animation) http://wiredspace.wits.ac.za/bitstream/handle/10539/8886/Dissertation.pdf

Corbeil, Pierre: Gary Gygax. in: Simulation & Gaming 2008 Vol. 39: 166f. (PDF)

Cover, Jennifer Ann Grouling: Tabletop Role-Playing Games: Perspectives from Narrative, Game, and Rhetorical Theory. (Under the direction of David Herman and David Rieder.) Master Thesis 2005. repository.lib.ncsu.edu/ir/bitstream/1840.16/424/1/etd.pdf

Cover, Jennifer Ann Grouling: The Creation of Narrative in Tabletop Role-Playing Games. McFarland 2010. http://books.google.de/books?id=xl7P7GwME3gC&printsec=frontcover&hl=de#v=onepage&q&f=false

Dyszelski, Christopher Justin (2006): Encounters at the Imaginal Crossroads: An Exploration of the experiences of women in role-playing games. DISS Miami (PDF)

Fine, Gary Alan: Fantasy Games and Social Worlds: Simulation as Leisure. Simulation & Gaming 1981, Vol. 12, pp. 251-279. (PDF)

Fine, Gary Alan : Shared Fantasy: Role Playing Games as Social Worlds.University of Chicago Press, Chicago/London 1983 (reprint 2002). http://books.google.de/books?hl=de&lr=&id=rLlLbN0XuSEC

Fine, Gary Alan, “Mobilizing Fun: Provisioning Resources in Leisure Worlds”, in: Sociology of Sport Journal, 1989, 6, 319-334. Reprinted, with permission of Human Kinetics Publishers, at http://www.rpgstudies.net/fine/mobilizing_fun.html.

Fleischer, Stephanie K. (2007): Playing with identity: literacy, discourse, and identity in role-playing gaming. University of Louisville. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdlink?Ver=1&Exp=03-06-2018&FMT=7&DID=1425307281&RQT=309&attempt=1

Flick, Ronja: Fantasyliverollenspiel. Geschichte und theatrale Aspekte. Magisterarbeit, Universität Leipzig 2003. Revised text (excerpts) at: http://fantasyrollenspiel.blogspot.de/

Flöter, Laura/ Berger, Florian: „Eintreten in imaginäre Räume. Der Avatar als Funktion der Immersion im phantastischen Rollenspiel.“ In: Institut für immersive Medien [Hrsg.]: Jahrbuch immersiver Medien 2012. Kiel 2012, S. 60-71.

Harviainen, J. Tuomas: Ritualistic Games, Boundary Control, and Information Uncertainty. Simulation & Gaming; Sep2012, Vol. 43 Issue 4, p506-527, 22p. (PDF)

Harviainen, J. Tuomas and Lieberoth, Andreas: Similarity of Social Information Processes in Games and Rituals: Magical Interfaces. Simulation & Gaming; Sep 2012, Vol. 43 Issue 4, p528-549, 22p (PDF)

Hammer, Jessica (2007). Agency and authority in role-playing ‘texts.’ In M. Knobel & C. Lankshear (Eds.), New Literacies Sampler (pp. 67-94). New York: Lang Press.

Harrigan, Pat / Wardrip-Fruin, Noah (eds.): Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable Media (2010), siehe evtl. auch „First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game“

Herbrik, Regine (2011): Die kommunikative Konstruktion imaginärer Welten. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. http://books.google.de/books?id=9d6nuihwC-0C&printsec=frontcover&hl=de#v=onepage&q&f=false

Hergenrader, Trent : Gaming, World Building, and Narrative: Using Role-playing Games to Teach Fiction Writing. In: Games+Learning+Society 7.0 Conference Proceedings (S. 111-116), 2011. http://www.etc.cmu.edu/etcpress/content/gls-70-conference-proceedings

Hook, Nathan: Identities at play: An ethnographic study of the psychological experience of recreational role-players creating and being recreated by fictional identities. Open University 2012.
http://www.lulu.com/shop/nathan-hook/identities-at-play/ebook/product-20328256.html (free download)

Janus, Ulrich und Ludwig Janus, Hgg. (2007): Abenteuer in anderen Welten. Fantasy-Rollenspiele: Geschichten, Bedeutung, Möglichkeiten. Gießen: Psychosozial. (24,90), 337 S.

Kahl, Ramona: Spiel-Macht-Unbewusstes. Fantasy-Rollenspiele als mythologische Inszenierung von Lebensentwürfen. In: Le Blanc, T., Twrsnick, B. (Hrsg.): Macht und Mythos. Tagungsband 2004. Schriftenreihe u. Materialien der phantastischen Bibl. Wetzlar Band 86. Wetzlar 2005. S. 115-130.

Kahl, Ramona: „Nichts anderes als ein Spiel?“ Fantasy-Rollenspiele als Bühne verdrängter Lebensentwürfe. In: Ulrike Prokop/Mechthild M Jansen (Hrsg.): Doku-Soap, Reality-TV, Affekt-Talkshow, Fantasy-Rollenspiele. Neue Sozialisationsagenturen im Jugendalter. Tectum, Marburg 2006, ISBN 978-3-8288-9126-5, S. 275–314 (Reihe Kulturanalysen).

Kahl, Ramona: Fantasy-Rollenspiele als szenische Darstellung von Lebensentwürfen. Eine tiefenhermeneutische Analyse. Kulturanalysen. Marburg: Tectum-Verlag 2007. (Diplomarbeit, Rezension bei helden.de) http://books.google.de/books?id=VW0NAQAAMAAJ&q=rollenspiel+erforschung&dq=rollenspiel+erforschung&hl=de&ei=4zp7TrJwi9OyBtPEvbMP&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CEMQ6AEwBTh4

Kahl, Ramona: Im Phantasieland Tolkiens: Fantasy-Rollenspiele. Ein adoleszentes Gruppenspiel um Identitätsentwürfe. In: Stach, Anna (Hg.): Männlichkeiten, Sexualitäten und Autorität im Fantasy-Land. Analysen zur Kino-Trilogie Der Herr der Ringe. Marburg: Tectum 2011, S. 85-124.

Lehrich, Christopher I.: Ritual Discourse in Role-Playing Games. published on John H. Kim's homepage 2003, published on the forge 2004.

Lukaschek, Karoline (2008): Zur Konstituierung von Gemeinschaft in einem Fantasy- und Rollenspielchatraum. URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-opus-83205 URL: http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/archiv/8320

Mackay, Daniel : The Fantasy Role-Playing Game: A New Performing Art (2001)

Mariais, Christelle, Michau, Florence and Pernin, Jean-Philippe: A Description Grid to Support the Design of Learning Role-Play Games. Simulation & Gaming; Mar2012, Vol. 43 Issue 1, p23-33, 11p (PDF)

Millians, David: Simulations and Young People: Developmental Issues and Game Development. in: Simulation & Gaming 30:2 (1999), 199-226. (PDF)

Mizer, Nicholas J.: Re-embedding Through Distanciation in Dungeons & Dragons. [Working draft] 2011. http://www.academia.edu/2557138/_Working_Manuscript_Hey_Grimm_Im_Not_in_the_Room_Right_Re-embedding_Through_Distanciation_in_Dungeons_and_Dragons

Mizer, Nicholas J.: The Paladin Ethic and the Spirit of Dungeoneering: Modern Enchantment and Paradox in Dungeons and Dragons [Submitted Draft] 2012. http://www.academia.edu/1984305/_Submitted_Draft_The_Paladin_Ethic_and_the_Spirit_of_Dungeoneering_Modern_Enchantment_and_Paradox_in_Dungeons_and_Dragons

Mizer, Nicholas J.: The Pictures Are So Much Better: Cross-Media Trends and Orality in Dungeons & Dragons. no year (2010?). http://www.academia.edu/293389/The_Pictures_Are_So_Much_Better_Cross-Media_Trends_and_Orality_in_Dungeons_and_Dragons

Montola, Markus: Social Constructionism and Ludology: Implications for the Study of Games. Simulation & Gaming 2012, Vol. 43(3) 300–320. (PDF)

Mutschler, Michael: Entwicklung einer Roleplaying Definition Language (RPDL). Diplomarbeit 2000 (Informatik Stuttgart). http://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/opus/volltexte/2000/682/pdf/DIP-1848.pdf

van Ness, Michael: A Change of Scene. Masterarbeit an der Northern Arizona University, 2005.http://rpgresearch.org/index.html (thesis documentation)

Nephew, Michelle Andromeda Brown (2003): Playing with Power: The Authorical Consequences of Roleplaying Games. Ann Arbor: UMI Dissertation Services

Neuenschwander, Brynn (2008): "Playing by the Rules: instruction and acculturation in role-playing games." In: E-Learning. 5.2. S. 189-198. http://www.wwwords.co.uk/elea/content/pdfs/5/issue5_2.asp#5 (PDF)

Pappe, Gero (2011): P&P-Rollenspiel: Der kollektive Zugang zu utopischen Weltentwürfen und individuellen Phantasiekonstrukten. Berlin: Logos. Diss. Gießen. http://books.google.de/books?id=4Lmy-wWmPJAC

Perlini-Pfister, Fabian: Philosophers with Clubs: Negotiating Cosmology and Worldviews in Dungeons & Dragons. In: Maya Burger and Philippe Bornet (eds.): Religions in Play. Games, Rituals, and Virtual Worlds. Theologischer Verlag Zürich 2012, 275-294. (I can provide a scan/ pdf of this.)

Peterson, Jon: Playing at the World: A History of Simulating Wars, People and Fantastic Adventures, from Chess to Role-Playing Games. Unreason Press 2012. http://playingattheworld.blogspot.ca/

Punday, Daniel (2005): "Creative accounting: role-playing games, possible-world theory, and the agency of imagination." In: Poetics today. 26.1, S. 113-139. doi: 10.1215/03335372-26-1-113

Riedel, Roman (2005): Jugendliche Alltagsgestaltung und Identitätsbildung mit Fantasy-Rollenspielen - Schule öffnen für Elemente des Spiels und spielerische Aktionsformen (Diss. Kassel) http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-2863 (PDF)

Röhl, Tobias und Regine Herbrik (2007): Visuelle Kommunikationsstrategien im Zusammenspiel : Gestik im Fantasy-Rollenspiel. In: Sozialer Sinn 8 (2007), 2, S. 237-265 (PDF)

Röhl, Tobias und Regine Herbrik (2008): "Mapping the Imaginary – Maps in Fantasy Role-Playing Games." In: FQS – Forum qualitative Sozialforschung 9. 3. Art. 24 (PDF)

Schmidt, David Nikolaus: Zwischen Simulation und Narration. Theorie des Fantasy-Rollenspiels; mit einer Analyse der Spielsysteme Das Schwarze Auge, Shadowrun und H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu. Frankfurt/ Main: Peter Lang, 2012. (zugl. Diss. 2011 an der Uni Frankfurt, Institut für Jugendbuchforschung). Band 73 der Reihe: Kinder- und Jugendkultur, -literatur und -medien

Schmit, Wagner Luiz. A Pedagogia Tecnicista e a Escolarização do RPG. http://www.academia.edu/2065289/A_Pedagogia_Tecnicista_e_o_Discurso_da_Escolarizacao_do_RPG

SCHMIT, Wagner Luiz. RPG e Educação: alguns apontamentos teóricos. 2008. 278p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação). Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina, PR. http://www.academia.edu/2065203/RPG_e_Educacao_Alguns_apontamentos_teoricos_dissertacao_

Schmit, Wagner Luiz/ Martins, João Batista (2011): RPG e Vigotski. Perspectivas para a prática pedagógica. http://www.academia.edu/2056335/RPG_E_VIGOTSKI_PERSPECTIVAS_PARA_A_PRATICA_PEDAGOGICA

Wagner Luiz Schmit, João Batista Martins & Thales Ferreira: Role-playing games and education in Brazil: how we do it. In: Matthijs Holter, Eirik Fatland & Even Tømte (eds.): Larp, the Universe and Everything. Knutepunkt 2009, pp. 75-96. ISBN 978-82-997102-2-0 http://www.academia.edu/2056328/Role-playing_games_and_education_in_Brazil_how_we_do_it

Sich, Dan (2012), "Dungeons and downloads: collecting tabletop fantasy role-playing games in the age of downloadable PDFs", Collection Building, Vol. 31 Iss: 2 pp. 60 - 65.

Snow, Cason (2008), "Dragons in the stacks: an introduction to role-playing games and their value to libraries", Collection Building, Vol. 27 Iss: 2 pp. 63 - 70.

Stark, Lizzie : Leaving Mundania: Inside the Transformative World of Live Action Role Playing Games, Chicago Review Press: 2012.

Torner, Evan and William J. White (eds.): Immersive Gameplay. Essays on Participatory Media and Role-Playing. Foreword by Zach Waggoner. McFarland 2012. Print ISBN: 978-0-7864-6834-8
Ebook ISBN: 978-0-7864-9237-4
230pp. softcover (6 x 9) 2012.

Traut, Lucia (2011). Ritualisierte Imagination: Das Fantasy-Rollenspiel „Das Schwarze Auge“. (Veröffentlichungen des Centrums für Religiöse Studien, Bd. 9). Münster: Lit. http://www.lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-643-10738-1

Tresca, Michael J.: The Evolution of Fantasy Role-Playing Games. Jefferson: McFarland, 2011. 228 pp.
Review: http://www.readperiodicals.com/201109/2574464711.html

Waldron, David: Role-Playing Games and the Christian Right. Community Formation in Response to a Moral Panic. In: Places to go, people to be (2004), Issue 25. http://ptgptb.org/0025/moral.html

Waldron, David: Role-Playing Games and the Christian Right: Community Formation in Response to a Moral Panic. In: Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 9 (Spring 2005), http://www.usask.ca/relst/jrpc/art9-roleplaying-print.html

Walliss, John: “The Road to Hell is Paved with D20s: Evangelical Christianity and Role-playing Gaming”, in: Adam Possamai (Hg.): Handbook of Hyper-Real Religions. Leiden: Brill 2012, S. 207-224.

Waskul, Dennis und Matt Lust (2004): "Role-Playing and Playing Roles: The Person, Player, and Persona in Fantasy Role-Playing." In: Symbolic Interaction. 27.3. S. 333-356. http://www.colorado.edu/ibs/pb/thornberry/socy5031/pdfs/waskul_lust_role_playing.pdf

West, Matthew J. A.: The Art and Theory of Immersive Roleplay. 2011. (PDF) http://www.lulu.com/shop/matt-west/the-art-and-theory-of-immersive-roleplay/ebook/product-16185355.html

Williams, J. Patrick/ Hendricks, Sean Q. & Winkler, W. Keith (2006): Gaming as Culture. Essays on Reality, Identity and Experience in Fantasy Games. McFarland, Jefferson.

Zayas, Luis H. & Lewis, Bradford H., “Fantasy-Role-Playing for Mutual Aid in Children’s Groups: A Case Illustration”, in: Social Work with Groups, Vol. 9 (1), Spring 1986, 53-66

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