[CAR-PGa] Research Demographics Sneak Peak

Some of you may recall I have been doing ongoing research in
many areas related to RPGs since 2004 (tabletop, LARP, &

One of these areas since 2013 includes researching gamer experiences of
gender bias in the gaming community and industry.

I performed a pilot program in 2013, and then received approval from
Washington State University (even though I'm a student at Eastern
Washington University) for an Institutional Review Board (IRB) waiver on
the 2015 research at WorldCon in August.

While the analysis of the experiences is still grinding away, since the
demographics question came up, I thought I would provide a sneak peak
exclusively for folks here, regarding the demographics information
that, while not especially surprising, may be of interest.

Information from the pilot:
The 2013 data came from 164 respondents from a potential pool of around
1,000 people. around 200 were approached, 167 passed the screening
questions, and 164 completed the survey. This came from several gaming
stores in the Spokane, Washington area, and Spocon, the local Science
Fiction annual convention.
The screening questions were:
"Have you ever participated in any form of role-playing game, tabletop,
live-action, or computer-based?"
"Would you be interested in completing a survey on related topics?"
Note that only 3 that qualified opted out.

For the 2015 data, all participants were at WorldCon 2015, in Spokane
Washington. The convention records indicated over 4,000 attendees.
I was able to apply screening questions to 279 people over the 3-day
period. With the similar screening questions. Ironically this much
larger (than Spocon) convention was so much more efficiently run (very
few lines), that it was difficult to catch anyone not in a hurry. The
demographics information for the entire convention are published, and
will be included in the finished report.
Of the 279 randomly approached, 142 qualified, and 125 completed the

The analysis underway is both quantitative and qualitative. The primary
form data is all quantitative, while about 1/4 to 1/5 of respondents
added comments to the forms (there was a prompt on the bottom of the
form if they wished to add comments). The comments are undergoing
qualitative analysis.

Gender in both the 2013 pilot and 2015 program, ended up being about
50/50 male/female, with a few percentage either not answering or
answering "other".

The youngest qualifying respondent was 19, and the oldest 75, with the
average and median age around 46.

Ethnicity was primarily White/Caucasian (2015 = 114 respondents).

Current location residing:
USA = 106 (39 states)
Other countries = UK, CA, NO, CN

Marital status was:
Married = 70
Single = 42
Divorced = 6
Widowed = 4
Other = 3

Residence Ownership:
Own = 79
Rent = 35
Other = 9
Blank = 2

Education Level:
Bachelors = 48
Some college = 29
Masters = 18
Doctorate = 9
High School/GED = 9

Employment Status:
Employed 20+ hrs/wk = 66
Self-employed = 22
and a wide range of responses for the remainder.

I thought folks here might appreciate the data so far.
It isn't GenCon, nor is it (yet) from many geographic locations, but it
is a start. Once I get the RPG Trailer built, I hope to expand this and
other research throughout North America.
Happy Gaming!

-Hawke Robinson

Please Donate to the Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer Today:

Washington State Registered Recreation Therapist.
(Not yet CTRS).
Mental Health USA First Aid Certified - MHFAC.
American Therapeutic Recreation Association Member (ATRA)
atra-online.com Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association
Member (WSTRA) wstra.org

The RPG Research Project
Office Voicemail: (509) 252-0800
Cell/Text: (509) 481-5437
Office and Postal Address
1312 N. Monroe Suite #114
Spokane, WA, USA

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Beginning in 1985, and formalized in 2004, The RPG Research Project is
a global and interdisciplinary community effort to research the effects
of role-playing games (RPGs) in all formats: tabletop (TRPG),
live-action (LARP), computer-based (CRPG), & solo adventures (CYOA).
This open community website was created in 2004 as a central repository
for past, current, and future research. Additional focus includes
studies on the therapeutic and educational aspects of RPGs. The
community is welcomed and encouraged to contribute to this site through
the many resources provided, including document archives, forum
bulletin board, chat rooms, audio & video archives, polls, surveys, and

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